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                                                                        Matthew Chapter 21: 33-41


I am Christopher John Joseph, a pacifist follower of Jesus of Nazareth, I was born into the Catholic branch of the tree of Jesus 66 years ago, but by the time I was 17, I was just a simple follower of Jesus and non-denominational. Ever since I was a small child Jesus only meant Love and non-violence to me, and consequently the Divine Loving Creator also.


    The following, Matthew 21:33-41, is a simple example of how the original, old Greek translations, translated into English, have conveyed the incorrect meaning of what Jesus was really saying in these verses about a cornerstone. If anyone who really knows Jesus as a Divine child of the Divine Loving Creator, they will see the truth in what this really means.  Jesus the Prince of peace said, "If you see me Phillip, you see the Father."

picture of love heart
picture of a love heart


                                                                      The Gospel of Matthew  


                                                Matthew Chapter  21: 33-41


   These notes on Matthew 21: 33-41, includes an interesting correction to the Greek translation, that I personally believe                                                             should be included, in all Bibles of the world.

                                 From the book, in print soon, " Bringing Jesus Back into Focus. The Gospel of Matthew "


Jesus said, "hear another parable. ( Isaiah 5:2 )...there was a certain head of a household, which planted a vineyard, and placed a hedge fence around it, and dug out a wine-press in it, and built a tower...and leased it out to farmers, and went into a far country. And when the season of the fruits drew near, he sent his servants to the farmers, to receive the fruits that were his. And the farmers took his servants, and beat one, and killed one, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants, more in number than the first, and they did the same thing to them.

        But last of all he sent to them his son, saying, 'they will respect my son.' But when the farmers realised it was the son, they said among themselves, 'this is the heir, come let us kill him, and let us seize his inheritance. And they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and killed him. Therefore, when the master of the vineyard comes, what will he do to the farmers? They said to Him, 'he will savagely destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard to other farmers, who shall give him the fruits in their seasons.

        Jesus said to them, "did you never read in the scriptures, (Psalm 118:22-23 )... the stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the primary cornerstone; this is the Lords doing and it is marvellous in our eyes?...Because of this I say to you, the kingdom of God shall be taken away from you, and it will be given to a foreign people, who will bring forth the fruits of the kingdom. And the one who falls, (stands ) against the stone shall be broken into pieces ( reformed ); but on whomever it shall fall ( alight ), it will grind him to powder ( winnow him ). And  when the chief priests and Pharisees heard this parable, they realised He was speaking about them. But when they sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the crowd, because they believed He was a prophet from God.


Note ~ The head of the Spiritual family, or household, is the Divine Loving Creator. He has planted the Way to Heaven here on Earth. He is in a Spiritual Heavenly world, that seems far away from the material world. Jesus is then referring to the Jewish religious leaders, as being the farmers given the responsibility, to bring forth the Spiritual fruits, of the Heavenly Way on Earth. This meant, sharing the Way to Heaven with all children, by helping them understand the True Divine Loving Creator, and gathering them all to Him, as His Spiritual children.

        But instead of sharing the True Spiritual Way with the children, and bringing them to God, they gathered wealth, status and personal power, from teaching a distortion of the True Spiritual Way. Jesus then states, the Divine Creator sent His servants, who were the prophets of God, to the Jewish people, to make sure the leaders were doing the right thing. Any prophet that exposed their corruption or challenged them, was punished by the leaders, and some may have been killed or stoned to death.

        Jesus then states, that the head of the household, the Divine Creator, sent His own son to the Jewish people, to gather all the children home to Heaven. The Jewish leaders realise He is a True Divine Child of God, who knows all about their corruption, so they kill Him. They believe there is no one else to come now, who is at one with the Divine Creator in Heaven, so they can continue in their corruption. Jesus is predicting His own death at their hands to come. 

                                                                                             Pg 1


        Jesus asks them what sort of justice will fall upon those corrupt leaders, or farmers. The leaders say, they will be savagely destroyed for what they did, and the householder will give the vineyard to others. Jesus then quotes an Old Testament psalm about the builders rejecting the cornerstone, referring to the rejection of Himself. The cornerstone, also known as the foundation stone, is the first or primary stone set in a masonry foundation. All other stones are set in reference to this stone, which then determines the position of the entire structure.

        Jesus was the first Jewish child, to be reborn into His Soul in Spirit, while still in His physical body. He was the first True Spiritual child, of the Divine Loving Creator, amongst the Jewish children. He became the cornerstone, upon which His church of followers would be built, by following His teachings, and also being reborn into their Soul in Spirit. He was the one who taught others how to work in the vineyard, and help gather children to Heaven, through the correct Spiritual Way. These initially were the apostles, who then taught others. Jesus was a pacifist.

        Jesus now speaks more directly and strongly to the religious leaders. He tells them, that because of their corruption and rejecting the True Way of the Divine Loving Creator and Himself, they will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But others who are foreigners will. And it will be those foreigners who will work in the vineyard now, bringing children alive to their Soul in Spirit, and lead them home to Heaven.

        He finally states, that anyone who falls, or stands against Him, will be broken to pieces. This is because Jesus is the Truth and the Way of the Divine Loving Creator, and anyone who stands against this, is living out of a false life or identity. And all lies are broken to pieces and defeated by the Truth. So, Jesus will break apart the lies, that our life is made up of, and literally reform us through the Truth of the Spiritual Way, of the Divine Loving Creator. He then states, that anyone who receives Him into their life, will have their sins winnowed out of them, and they will be transformed.

For He leads us into our True identity, as Spiritual children of the Divine Loving Creator.

        Most Bibles say this last translation should read as, 'whomever I will fall upon, I will grind them to powder or scatter them like dust.'  I have asked various Christians what they believe this means. Sadly, many have replied that it means, Jesus and the Divine Loving Creator will destroy those who have gone astray into dark ways. These translations are misleading, and have missed the real meaning, the original Greek words were trying to convey. The first problematic word, is the second use of the word 'fall', as it can also mean to 'alight' upon something, as a bird may alight or rest upon a branch.  So, this should read, "whomever I come to rest upon." The other problematic translation is the phrase, 'grind to powder', which should be read as, "I will winnow them ( of their sins." )

       So, the correct translation should read,  "and whomever stands against Me, (this stone ) will be broken to pieces (and reformed). But on whomever I ( this stone ) come to rest upon, I will winnow them (of their sins.)"  Jesus and the Divine Loving Creator, never crush anyone or destroy anyone. They only lift us up, restore us, and bring us alive to our Soul in Spirit and Love us back to Heaven. No darkness is too deep for the Light of Jesus and the Divine Loving Creator to penetrate. Jesus gathers us into Heaven and winnows us like wheat, but He only scatters the chaff of our sins, not us. These words need to be corrected in all Bibles, as they can be seriously misunderstood and malign Jesus, and therefore the Divine Loving Creator.

       After hearing this parable, the chief priests and the Pharisees knew He was directing it at them, exposing their corruption. They wanted to arrest Him but were frightened that the crowd, who believed He was a prophet from God, would move against them. Their hatred of Jesus only grew stronger.

                                                                                                Pg 2


        In recent years I have seen a growing distortion spread about Jesus and God which deeply troubles me. As every Christian knows, original followers of Jesus were all pacifists like Jesus Himself. Then in 312 A.D., by going to war in the name of Jesus and the Divine Loving Creator, Constantine dragged the Divine Creator and the Prince of Peace back into the Old Testament understanding of God. Jesus gave His life to bring the Jewish children out of this distortion, and bring them into the new wine and new understanding about the Divine Loving Creator.. I am now speaking out about this troubling development, as God is Divine Love, as is Jesus.   Jesus Himself said, we must become as perfect as God's Love, if we wish to be children of our Father in Heaven. Just as His sun rises on the good and the evil, and He sends the rain on the just and the unjust, be as perfect as this in your Love.

        This is the Divine Love of the Creator, that empowers our Souls in Spirit, to become True Spiritual children of the Divine Loving Creator. Divine Love must be untainted, please be careful how you see the Divine Loving Creator and Jesus. The old wine of the Old testament is not the new wine of Jesus. Just as the old understanding of God in the Old Testament, is not the True understanding of the Divine Loving Creator, we find through knowing Jesus.

        While I respect all Christian followers of Jesus, to see Him and God in their own way, I must now stand up for how I have always seen them. I am shocked to see how much anger, destruction and violent behaviour, is being taught as a natural, judgemental attribute, of the Divine Jesus and the Divine Loving Creator, by children who claim to be His followers.

                                                                  Jesus is Divine Love on Earth. 

                                             May we all become Divine Love on Earth by following His Way.


               May we all be transformed by a correct understanding of the words and meaning of the words of Jesus. 

                       May all our Souls in Spirit be filled with the Divine Love of our Divine Loving Creator.


                                                                      Christopher John Joseph        




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